Monthly Archives: August 2013

Thrifting Essentials

I’ve learned through the years that you need a team of professionals to help upcycle your thrifted finds into updated wearable pieces.  I maintain a great relationship with my list of professionals I call my Thrifting Squad.  Here is a list of people I rely on.

  •  Tailor or Seamstress — find a good tailor or a seamstress.  A little nip-tuck will do       wonders.
  • Dry Cleaners — get to know your local dry cleaners close to your home or work.
  • Shoe Cobbler — a good shoe cobbler can revive any shoes or boots.  Also good for tweaking bags and belts.
  • Leather Specialist — always take your leather items to a leather alterations specialist, they know how to treat leather.  I found out the hard way when I almost ruined a leather jacket by taking it to a regular seamstress.

How about you, do you have other specialists that help you upcycle your thrifted finds?

You never know what you’re gonna find while thrifting

I dropped by one of my local Goodwill stores last weekend and lo and behold!!  They had just received brand new wedding dresses for sale donated by a bridal shop.  I wished I had known a soon-to-be-bride because the dresses were stunning!  Here’s a pic.


GOODWILL hunting


If you live in Ontario did you know Goodwill always has daily savings specials?  Check out your neighbourhood Goodwill store in your community.  Best concept of thrifting — eco-friendly, thrifty and helping your community all at the same time.

Thrifting 101

Yes, sorting through rows and racks of clothing/shoes/accessories does take time. Enjoying the hunt means being ready for the chase. Here are some tips to ensure happy thrifting.

1. Make a list of what you are looking for.
2. Be patient, treasure hunting takes time.
3. Wear utility clothing and shoes — comfort is key.
4. Keep an open mind, be flexible and creative.
5. Thrift with like-minded thrifters, you don’t want to bring any killjoy.
6. Most of all enjoy the thrill of the hunt!